I think I blame the really delightful heartburn. I have never before experienced anything like the pain of this heartburn. It sort of feels like there's a burning in my chest that will soon make my head explode. After sucking down a bottle of Zantac I have found that controlled deep breathing helps. So I sat down on the bed and started breathing. My husband took one look at me and said, "Who are you, Fiona? (our friend's cat) It reminds me of what she does right before she pukes."
Thanks honey. That's special.
It sort of looks like this.
I'm also really snotty. According to the books people have given me, I may soon start hacking and choking on the snot in my sleep. (My husband told me that I can go sleep in the other room when that happens. He's so compassionate.)
There's also the issue of problems to come. Someone gave me a book about breastfeeding. It has pictures. It is totally creepy. Lots of huge saggy boobs with baby heads near them. Big nipples, up close...really close and all the pictures look like they're from the 70's. I am now officially scared.
And of course, I've also been charmed by the stories from my co-workers. One of them described the first few months of their child's life as "slug mode". He said it's not that fun. Great.
On the up side, a new season of Burn Notice started. That guy is hot. I suspect this show might be stupid but I don't care...he's pretty.
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