Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I Heart Pennsylvania

Just when I think that government offices are devoid of all technology (have you ever seen the inside of city hall? It’s like stepping into the 70’s…) I uncover something like this.  Basically you build a profile of where you live and work (or whatever) and then indicate what you want to receive notices about (road closings, amber alerts, severe weather, SWINE FLU (hello!)) and they either text you or email you.  Simple. Useful. How elegant!


People, this is further evidence that Pennsylvania is superior when compared to the near bankrupt state of New Jersey (yes yes, glass houses, rocks, I know).  However, Gloucester County, NJ is also included. Probably because we’re nice like that.

1 comment:

tricia said...

For things that are not urgent, i heart City Hall - the whole experience is cool in that "oh this is how the world used to work" sort of way.
Example: I had to go get a copy of my grandmother's wedding license (story for another time) and the people behind the counter in the basement of city hall were so helpful. They pulled out giant ledger books and skimmed pages. Then they showed me the line with my grandparents' signatures. My grandparents signed THAT book 70-odd years ago. It was wild. Sometimes city hall is like our own Ellis Island, except here they let you touch the books.