Friday, May 16, 2008


So I went home after work today to watch my DVR'd copy of the New Kids. I also would like to mention that my sister emailed me to tell me that if tickets go on sale she wants to go. This is wrong on many levels but I am mildly tempted. However I become less tempted when I see the crazy screaming women wailing along to "Please Don't go Girl". Don't believe me? See for yourself.

Then I get home and notice that some fruitcake had left a comment with his myspace page. Clearly a self promoting wackadoo who was involved in writing some of their new songs. You can check out his stupid comment in the last post if you want to see a corny myspace page.


Anonymous said...

Sick and wrong. And PS thanks an f'ing bunch! I could have easily missed this, being outside the country.

But now not only will I have nightmares of acid washed jeans and mall bangs, but I won't be able to get the lyrics of You Got The Right Stuff out of my head for weeks.

You will pay;-)

Anonymous said...

I really want to go too and am a little embarrassed but don't care. And I'm so thankful you have this video here b/c I was so mad I forgot to dvr it and am too dumb to remember to look it up online.

Anonymous said...

OMG! If you guys are going to go let me know 'cause I think I want to go too.

While moving stuff around in my basement recently I found letters from you discussing the merits of the different NKTOB members and I was busting up laughing... I'll have to pull them out and scan them to you. Too funny.