Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Nordic Walking

A few years ago my mother in law started doing this wacky thing called Nordic Walking. As the name may suggest, it's similar to skiing without the snow. As far as I can tell all this involves is roaming around with some poles in athletic gear.

For years all has been quiet here on the Western front until today...

I saw my first Philadelphia Nordic Walker as I was schlepping home from work. There she was happily Nordic Walking down 17th street. I actually muttered "oh no" out loud and then started grinning like an idiot. Of course I was all alone typing away on my Blackberry so I probably sounded quite silly talking to myself and grinning.

So as any normal technology addicted person does, I promptly went out to Wikipedia. It's there. A quick google search told me that plenty of people are doing this - Reebok makes shoes specifically for the activity. I can't really see how these are different than regular walking shoes, but I suppose if you're going to commit to an activity it only makes sense that you go out and purchase all the gear too. PS - those poles ain't cheap.

So when you see them coming at you down the street - poles flailing with special Reebok shoes - don't be alarmed, just get out of the way.

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